HEAL-D - Type 2
- Specifically designed for Black African and Black Caribbean cultures
- A 15minute introduction call followed by 7 weekly sessions
- 2 hours per session
- Delivered online

HEAL-D is an online video group course that has been developed specifically for people from Black African and Black Caribbean cultures and focuses on advice about relevant cultural foods and other aspects of diabetes.

The course has 7 weekly sessions, each one is 2 hours long and is delivered online. Each session covers a different topic and over the course of the 7 sessions everything you need to know about managing your diabetes is covered in lots of detail so you feel really confident in the advice.
The course will provide you with all the information you need to understand diabetes and feel confident about how to look after your diabetes, particularly in terms of the foods you eat and the other things that affect your diabetes, like blood pressure.
The sessions include physical activity classes delivered by physiotherapists. They deliver all different classes each session to give you a chance to try out lots of different types of activity and understand the sorts of activities you can do to help your diabetes. The classes are designed to be suitable for ALL ABILITIES, including people with disabilities or mobility issues e.g. chair-based exercises.
The course brings together a small group of people who have all got diabetes so you can share your experiences and learn from one another, as well as receiving lots of advice from the dietitian and a community diabetes trainer. If you would like to have a family member or a friend attend the sessions with you, you are very welcome to do that.