The Diabetes Book & Learn service is how people in south London with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes access diabetes courses.
Across south London records show that approximately 300,000 people have diabetes and this is growing significantly every year. With traditional attendance rates for diabetes education lower than 10%, the south London Integrated Care Boards have continued to fund this service which is designed to increase uptake of education services.
Referrals to the Diabetes Book & Learn service are quick and easy for GPs, practice nurses and all healthcare professionals. People can also refer themselves too.
People can choose a course to suit them, wherever they live or work, or however they prefer to learn using this online booking service.
Whilst courses are easy to book online, a call centre is open between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 12 noon on Saturdays for people who prefer to access the service via the phone.
The Service monitors levels of interest for courses in order to identify gaps and help make informed commissioning decisions in the future.
Priority Digital Health Ltd has been awarded the contract to run the digital booking platform for 18 months plus 1 + 1 years and Bexley Neighbourhood Care CIC have been awarded the contract to run the call centre.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions if you want to know more about using this service